Geography Quizzes

Geography Quizzes are exciting puzzle games that ask questions about geography. Geography is the science of the earth's surface, people, and the material and spiritual environments of people. So it is about the planet we live on. Landscapes and climate are considered as well as population structures and the many cities and countries of our world. If you want to put your geographic knowledge to the test, you've come to the right place.

In our interesting category of the best geography quizzes you have to recognize country flags, locate places on the world map and be a real expert in assigning cities, countries and continents. Probably it won't be a problem for you to recognize Germany, Italy or the USA on a world map, but what about Latvia, Nepal or Laos? Surely you know what the Danish flag looks like, but do you know the Thai one?

Specialize in specific countries of the world in our cool quizzes or try to get a general overview. Once you've mastered all the geography puzzles here, you will really score in geography class. So browse through our great collection of the best Geography quizzes and play them online for free on as always. Have fun with it!

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